Thursday, January 27, 2011

One of the Happiest Days of My Life.

I can’t begin to tell you how many times over the past eight years I just wanted to die. I entered the valley of the shadow of death and each time I met Jesus there he carried me out. He wouldn’t leave me in that place of darkness and despair.

I spent a long time in the valley back in 2001 after witnessing the 911 attacks on New York City from a highrise office building a mile or so from ground zero. Although I wanted to reach out and stop the pending death and destruction, I was helpless to prevent it from happening.

A year later I was told I had cancer. I took pride in my health and having some serious illness was the furthest thing from my mind. I prayed all the time and I read and studied the Bible every chance I got. I wrote my prayers and scriptures in a notebook that later became my journal. Upon reading and studying Psalm 91, I “heard” the Lord speak to my heart and say, “I will sheild you with my wings, I will shelter you with my feathers.” The diagnosis was miraculously changed shortly thereafter. However, the pain that I experienced grew more intense with each passing day and I ended up in the Intensive Care Unit of Greenwich Hospital (Connecticut). I had to have surgery to remove the diseased portion of my intestine. All was thought to have gone well, but three days later, I lost consciousness. I spent the next two months fighting for my life. I remember very little from those two months. But I was told that I was very near death for a good part of that time, and even had to be resuscitated. My wife used my journal to encourage those who were my caretakers. I kept writing in my journal for encouragement and inspiration.

I didn’t think my life could get any worse, however in 2004 I got separated and then divorced. I turned again to my journal; reading, writing and editing. I started visiting those who were sick at local hospitals and nursing homes. I told them how Jesus met me in the dark place and wouldn’t leave me there. The more I told my story, the more I was inspired to go forward. I continued to write and thought that my story might encourage others who had little or no hope.

Today after many years and many revisions, I have completed my story. It’s called, “Touched By The Hand Of God.” I published it as an independent author on Smashwords. You can read a portion of the book for free. Follow this link or paste it in your browser

Thanks to Smashwords proprietary software the book can be downloaded in many different formats. I personally prefer the Mobi format which is used by Amazon Kindle. If you don’t have a Kindle, you can download the free Kindle for PC software by clicking this link

Another good ebook format is EPUB. It’s used on Apple devices. If you want to download the software for use on your computer, click this link
I appreciate your feedback.

Joe Radosti

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