Joseph-He shall add; Radosti-Happiness & joy.
It's about sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with others. It's about living out my passion. It's about participating in his love, compassion and mercy for humanity. Jesus is God in the flesh (John 1:1,14; Mat. 1:23; 1 Tim. 3:16). He is a witness of what is in heaven (John 3:31-34). He is love and life eternal.
(1 John 4:16; John 5:26). Once we understand who Jesus is and believe, it changes us-transforms us. When we participate in his love, compassion, and mercy; all things are possible! Sharing the gospel means sharing the love of Christ with others. So in addition to visiting and praying for sick and afflicted people at nursing homes and hospitals, we also have Bible studies and distribute clothes and blankets. We hold support group meetings to encourage those who are suffering from various hardships. We also stir one another to share God's love, compassion, and mercy with others by using our gifts, talents and resources for His glory. This blog was created to communicate Jesus' love with others and to discover additional ways to improve the way we serve Christ and those in need. My passion is to know the Lord Jesus more deeply each and every day and to express his love more effectively.
Please share your comments and suggestions. You may post them here at this blog.