Camp Tag 2010
Thursday July 22-Sunday July 25, I attended a camp for grieving youths. The theme of camp was, “Finding Our Way Through Grief By Leaning On Others.” There were about thirty five children at camp this year, the second year I have volunteered to serve at this camp.
What is the most important lesson I learned from camp this year? That God in the person of Jesus Christ came to take away our grief and sorrow (Isa. 53:3-5). When he went to the cross he took all our pain and sorrow upon himself. Those who are the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:27; Eph. 5:30) are called to participate in the healing of humanity. Jesus said we should be like the Good Samaritan who took care of the stranger that fell among thieves (the Good Samaritan poured oil on the strangers wounds (Luke 10:30-37). Jesus appeared to his disciples after he was resurrected. Thomas needed physical proof that it was Christ who appeared to them. So Jesus showed him his wounds and Thomas felt them with his own hands (John 20:24-29). All of humanity shares in the wounds of Christ. It is only Jesus who can not only bring healing to the flesh but is able to bring healing to the deepest wounds of the heart by the Holy Spirit which he freely gives to those who believe. It is the Spirit, the Oil of God that permeates the inner being healing grief and every other sorrow of the human heart. |