Monday, March 28, 2011

This is my Beloved Son, Hear Him Mat. 17:5

In the movie, “A Few Good Men, Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee, a navy lawyer played by Tom Cruise, is defending two marines who were accused of assaulting Private William Santiago. The assault leads to Santiago’s death.

The defense believes that Lance Corporal Harold Dawson and Private Louden Downey, the two accused of the assault, took part in self policing within the ranks; self policing that is referred to as “code red.” They believe the “code red” was ordered by Colonel Nathan Jessup, played by Jack Nicholson.

Lieutenant Kaffee has Colonel Jessup on the witness stand and in an attempt to obtain the facts, screams at Jessup, “I want the truth!” Jessup yells back, “You can’t handle the truth!” Kaffee traps Jessup when he catches him in a lie. Jessup had stated that his orders were always followed and that he gave the command that Santiago was to be protected. But he also stated that Santiago was in grave danger and needed to be transferred off the base. Jessup cornered with no way out, finally admits that he ordered the “code red.”

For many the gospel of Jesus Christ has been reduced to nothing more than a religious form of the marine’s “code red.”  With the popular teachings of, “Get right or get left,’ and “Turn or burn.”

Jesus took Peter, James and John up a mountain with him. While Jesus was praying, they saw a vision of Moses, Elijah and Jesus glorified and talking about Jesus coming death on the cross. Suddenly a loud voice spoke out of a cloud saying, “This is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, Hear Him” (Mat. 17:5). The disciples fell on their faces in fear. But Jesus came over to them and said, “Do not be afraid.” The message from the Father is that the gospel is all about Jesus Christ, the Rock under our feet (Eph. 2:20; 1 Pet. 2:6; Isa. 28:16), not the rock on top of our heads-a religious form of “code red” that would have you believe the rock is on top of us crushing us. No the Rock Jesus is our foundation in whom we live. The gospel is not about what we need to do for Jesus, but about what Jesus came to do for us.

Two people in the New Testament heard Jesus voice and understood the gospel perhaps better than any of their contemporaries; Mary and her brother Lazarus. Mary was commended by Jesus for choosing the “one thing” that would not be taken away from her (Luke 10:38-42). What was the one thing that Mary did? She sat at Jesus feet and heard his word. This is much more significant than you might think. Sitting at Jesus feet has to do with recognizing Jesus as her Kinsman Redeemer. Boaz (See Ruth 1-4) was only a type of the True Kinsman Redeemer. Boaz was able to provide all of Ruth’s provision for life. But Jesus is far greater than Boaz, in that Jesus is God in the flesh and He is the True Kinsman Redeemer not just for Mary, but for all of humanity. He is our provision for salvation-all that we need.

Jesus allowed Lazarus to die of illness so that he could show his power over death. Jesus reins over death-it’s under his feet. When Jesus called Lazarus out of the tomb (John 11), Lazarus had already been dead four days. He confirmed what he told Martha (John 11:25-26) that he was the Resurrection and the Life. Lazarus heard Jesus voice even though he was dead. Jesus voice is powerful enough to wake up the dead. Lazarus has not been recorded as saying one word in the scriptures, but the message that his life speaks is perhaps more powerful than any other (except for the life of Jesus) that we read about.

Mary and Lazarus show us why the Father said, “This is my Beloved Son, Hear Him.”

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Help Nominate Ernie Hughes Into The WWE Fan Hall Of Fame

Recently I was having a conversation with my friend Clinton Tuck and I was told that my pal Ernie Hughes was a huge WWE wrestling fan.I wish I would have known this before he died. Nevertheless, it's never too late to recognize someone whom you respect and admire. So now I am nominating Ernie into the WWE Fan Hall of Fame. With your help, we can to do this. Use this link and fill in the information on WWE's website. You can copy and paste my letter into the comment section if you would like. I sent the letter below to Vincent McMahon on Tuesday, March 15.

Please share this information with everyone you know. Thanks for your help. I know Ernie would be thrilled.

Vincent K. McMahon, Chairman & CEO
WWE Corporate Headquarters
1241 E. Main Street
Stamford, CT 06902

Dear Mr. McMahon:

I am writing on behalf of my friend Ernie Hughes who died on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 (Please see the enclosed story titled, “My Journey With Ernie" I would like to nominate Ernie Hughes to the WWE Fan Hall of Fame. Although I didn’t see such a title listed on your website, please consider creating one and making Ernie the first nominee.

Because of his disability Ernie spent most of his time in bed and the last eleven years of his life at Shady Lawn Nursing Home in Cadiz, Kentucky. However, when Friday night came along, he would “claw” his way out of bed after sleeping all day (he would actually have to be lifted out of his bed with a crane and lowered into his wheelchair) just so he could watch WWE. I don’t believe you could have had a more devoted fan.

I believe fans all around the world could relate to Ernie and his story could help you win the hearts of people whom you don’t already have as fans.